Thursday, 10 March 2011

KOTD - OPI Katy Perry Teenage Dream with Konad Plate S6

Today's KOTD, was done using OPI Katy Perry Teenage Dream and Konad Plate S6 with Konad Special Polish in Black Pearl. Firstly I have to say Teenage Dream wears like iron!!!! I had it on for about 4 days before konading and not a bit of chipping :O. I was eager to try out one of the other designs from my new Konad Plates so I figured rather than ruin a perfectly good manicure, I'd have a go on top of Teenage Dream:
indoors no flash

OPI Chip Skip
Base Coat: OPI Nail Envy 1 coat
OPI Katy Perry Teenage Dream 4 coats (really wanted this one to be as opaque as possible)
Top Coat Seche Vite
Konad Special Polish and Black Pearl and Konad Plate S6
I opted for no top coat on top of the design, as I really like the matte effect of the Konad design sometimes. Here are some pics of the manicure before Konading:
I'm in love with Teenage Dream at the moment, I love the fact that the base pink polish is already very shimmery, and the combination of pink/silver micro glitter and big holo glitter flecks makes this one dazzle, as the weather is finally warming up I got to see how this one looks in the sunshine, and it is simply stunning, takes on a whole new life in the sun :D

indoors no flash
Here are a few more flash and non flash pics of the manicure after Konading, apologies for the wonky design on some nails, I should never Konad in a hurry, but I'm still quite happy with how this one turned out, a little like an alternative French manicure :D

out doors no flash
I did this manicure yesterday and Teenage Dream still shows no sign of chippage, I'm actually really excited about this, some of the Burlesque glitters certainly didn't have this stay power, I'm actually tempted to leave this one on until it chips, and that will be a serious first for me lol, I don't think I ever go more than 3 days without changing my polish these days, and now we are on 5 days :O


  1. Such a sparkling and girly manicure, I love it! ^^ That Katy Perry -polish is gorgeus... :)

  2. These are the prettiest swatches I've seen of this color! I really love the little stamps too, also the first person I've seen do that :)!

  3. Very pretty and lovely color

  4. Thanx for the lovely comments guys :) I really do love this polish, unfortunately I think i jinxed myself saying it had gone 5 days without a chip, half the polish on my thumb has peeled off today, ah well and excuse to finally paint them again :D

  5. I love that polish! Such a shame that the Katy Perry collection doesn't come to UAE until at least after 2-3 months... :(
