Friday, 11 March 2011

Dupes: Orly Cosmic FX Halley's Comet VS OPI Summer Flutter Catch Me In Your Net Comparison

OPI Catch me in Your Net (from Summer Flutter) and Orly Halley's Comet (from Cosmic FX) are practically identical polishes, I was actually quite happy to discover this as I only had a mini bottle of the OPI. They are both foil effect polishes in a vibrant blue/green turquoise (the duochrome flash is green).
First up some Flash pics of both polishes:

Orly Halley's Comet

OPI Catch Me in Your Net

These were both 3/4 coaters to achieve maximum opacity, I think the OPI is a tiny bit more sheer.
The flash pics don't capture the duochrome effect, but you can see the main turquoise blue shade. Next up some without flash photos which demonstrate the awesome flashes of green duochrome, which really make these polishes:

Orly Halley's Comet

OPI Catch Me in Your Net

I think this is the only place I can see an actual difference in the polish, Halley's Comet definitely has a stronger duochrome effect. It also looks like the foil effect on Halley's Comet is a little more vibrant, but these differences are extremley subtle, so if you already have one of these polishes, there's probably little need to grab the other. They are both absolutely gorgeous shades though, and if your a lover of turquoise polish a definite must :D

Here are the two colours side by side in a comparison post I did recently when reviewing OPIs Texas Collection:

L-R GOSH Ocean, Orly Halley's Comet, OPI Catch Me in Your Net, OPI Austin-tatious Turquoise


  1. I maybe like the Orly Halley's Comet a tiny bit more... Oh, and I finally used the crackles, go and check out if u want. Where did you buy the halley's comet??

  2. I like the Orly one better but I still haven't got any of these :(

  3. Accessorize have an identical polish called "Mermaid" sold in Superdrug in the UK, rrp £4. It's renowned for being a dupe of OPI Catch Me in Your Net + Orly Halley's Comet! :) xx

  4. Karzu: just had a look at the crackle :D it looks awesomeeeee!!!! :D I bought halley's comet from
    Diana: I have to agree there's just something about the Orly polish and the bottle that i prefer :D
    Emma: thanks for the info :D its always good to know there's another dupe out there :D
