Wednesday, 23 March 2011

A-England Nail Polish Swatches Lady of The Lake and Tristam

A-England are a relatively new British Nail Polish Brand. I recently received a promotional e-mail featuring their current nail polish line which is called "The Mythicals" with names like "Merlin" "Lancelot" and "Lady of The Lake" I was instantly intrigued by this awesome theme of Arthurian Legend. The colours looked quite fascinating too, and definitely went with the legendary names. They even have a glossary which gives you information on all the names, which is a lovely touch. I was initially a little set aback by the price of polish (£9.50 a bottle) but when I found out A-England were doing a 20% off special for their Facebook Fans (you can find the link to this promotion further down in this post) I simply couldn't resist trying out a few.
The two polishes I decided to try out were: Lady Of The Lake, described on their website as a
"dusky purple with rainbow glimmer and glow" and Tristam "night blue sky with starlight glimmer and glow". I wasn't 100% sure but I thought I could detect a hint of a holographic effect in these two polishes :D

They arrived extremely quickly, and I was overjoyed the second I saw the bottles, these babies looked packed with holo, and were nothing like any other colour I've owned. 

Both polishes were an absolute joy to apply, perfect consistency and nice even coverage, the brush is thin and similar to China Glaze Brushes, and they both dry with a nice glossy finish, but I still used Seche Vite to speed up the drying process, and they respond very well to this top coat :D

Lady Of The Lake 
Lady Of The Lake is a gorgeous shimmery Mauve colour packed with holographic shimmer, the holographic effect is not linear like GOSH Holgraphic, its a more sparse holo effect similar to those on OPI DS series or My Private Jet holo version. I've never had a dark holo polish before so i absolutely adore this shade, it applied like butter and looks absolutely amazing on! This was 2 coats


Tristam has the exact same holographic effect of Lady Of The Lake, except it is a dark denim shade of blue, trully a very unique colour, makes me think of a starry night. The camera has made the polish look a tiny bit darker than it actually is on the nails, the last pic is most colour accurate. This was also opaque at 2 coats, and applied like a dream, seriously love it!

Bottle Pics
Lady Of The Lake and Tristam

I am completely in love with these two polishes and so happy that I tried A-England, I've got my eyes on Merlin (an awesome silver glitter) for a possible next purchase :D Definitely recommend this brand, gorgeous shades and very creative names!
Another thing I find very clever about this brand is the names they've chosen for top coat and base coat - The Shield and The Knight :)
Official Website
Current Promotion: Check out A-England's Facebook page, they're doing an awesome 20% of promotion :D which runs through to April 16th

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