Tuesday, 1 March 2011

A Couple of NOTDs - GOSH Ocean and GOSH Blue Monday

Here's a couple of NOTDs featuring two of my favourite polishes from GOSH Cosmetics, Blue Monday and Ocean.

Blue Monday
Blue Monday is a deep electric blue shade packed with tiny micro glitter particles in both blue and purple. It's a little hard to capture the purple effect on camera but if you click on the pic to enlarge you can see hints of it in the bottom left side of the bottle. This was fully opaque at 2 coats and although the first coat was a little streaky the second evened things out nicely. Love how this one shimmers and sparkles as it catches the light, reflecting both blue and purple.

Ocean is a lovely green turquoise metallic shade, it applies a little on the streaky side, and the camera is a lot more unforgiving of this than real life. Fully opaque at 2 coats, and I've included a non flash pic below to highlight the fact that the flash in the first pic really picks up the streaks more than is really apparent. 
GOSH is swiftly becoming one of my favourite drugstore brands, and with regular promotions where you can get 3 for 2 at Superdrug, these polishes really do work out very cheap :D


  1. There are really beautiful! I need Blue Monday for my blue monday post on my blog. Lol! :)

  2. i need gosh!!! they dont sell that here in the states of course.. all i really want is the holographic one:(

  3. I love blue monday is just a gorgeus glittery blue:)

  4. rmcandlelight: blue monday is indeed an awesome polish, made me think of the actual january blue monday day too hehe, will definitely bright things up :D:D
    Thatsofresh: it's a real shame they dont sell GOSH in the US :( I'm going to have a giveaway soon and GOSH holographic is going to be the prize :D
    Beauty Shades: it is an awesome glitter, not too much of a pain to remove either :D I'm really impressed with some of these GOSH polishes, they do have some intriguing unique colours :D

  5. Wow these are gorgeous, particularly Blue Monday. I was wondering whether or not to get Ocean last time I was in Superdrug but in the bottle it looked very dupey, however now I've seen your pics I'm more persuaded! Think I will be going for Blue Monday first though :D Thank you :) xxx

  6. If the Ocean would look the same as it does with flash, then that would be my fave! I also like Gosh polishes. :D

  7. Emma: I'm glad you liked the polishes :D always happy to inspire a polish purchase :D its funny, I've done the same thing with Ocean, I've probably picked it up and gone nah every time I've gone to Superdrug, but now I've given it a whirl I'm really happy I finally got it :D
    Karzu: I totally agree Ocean looks soooooo metallic with the flash pic, it is still a very lovely colour though, I just love turquoise polishes :D
