Saturday, 11 June 2011

Franken No. 5 - Elysium

This is my Latest Frankened Polish, which I've named: Elysium, a sheer pale sky blue pearlised polish.

            Bottle Pic

CND Effects Scarlet Shimmer (sheer pearlised polish) 4/5 
Zoya Robyn (turquoise creme polish) 1/5 - just a few drops

I've been searching for pearlised blue polish that flashes pink for a while now, and since I've really got into Frankening lately I thought I'd have a go at creating this shade. I really like frankening with CND Effects polishes, even though the resulting polish is quite sheer, they really apply beautifully and evenly, this was 3 coats. I'm really happy with how this one turned out, I think it would work very well as a layering polish because of its sheerness, but to be honest the VNL really doesn't bother me with this shade, it just adds to the opal quality of the shade

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