Friday, 28 January 2011

NOTD - Mischa with GOSH Rainbow and Attitude Aurora

Decided to spice up my last NOTD (Andrea Fulerton - Mischa) with a couple of my favourite glitter polishes: GOSH Rainbow and Attitude Aurora :D here's some pics:

Mischa with GOSH Rainbow

no flash

no flash
GOSH Rainbow, shows up a lot better without flash, it is almost identical to an Inglot Polish I have (202), here's a quick reminder how that one looks pictured here on top of OPI Sanguine:

Mischa with Attitude Aurora
no flash

The Aurora Glitter top coat, actually shows up a lot better in the pics with a flash, it really gives the polish an almost holographic look as the glitter particles are very small, definitely seems to work better with 1 coat :D


  1. Again, I like those polishes a lot! (sorry, my comment is always the same, I just can't say anything else... :''D)

  2. is such a shame gosh doesn't sell any more this colour

  3. Yeah I hate it when gorgeous polishes get discontinued, still at least there are a few worthy dupes out there :D definitely check out Inglot if your after one :D And Karzu thanks :D don't worry about it, lol it always makes me happy that you like the polishes :D:D

