Wednesday, 26 January 2011

NOTD - Andrea Fulerton Nail Boutique - Mischa

Today's NOTD was a bit of a surprise find, I'd picked up a couple of GOSH polishes, and then discovered Superdrug were doing a buy 2 get 1 free deal, so this is the colour I spotted: Andrea Fulerton Nail Boutique - Mischa. Initially, it just looked like a funky silver, but on a closer inspection when I applied to my nails I noticed how many different coloured flecks there are within this polish. It's actually pretty stunning (you prob have to click the pics to really see the effect)

OPI Chip Skip
Base Coat: OPI Nail Envy 1 coat
Andrea Fulerton Nail Boutique - Mischa 3 coats (it was opaque at 2)
Top Coat: Seche Vite

This one applied really well, perfect consistency and the narrow brush was great for application. Once I applied the top coat, I noticed how much this colour sparkles, its the first polish I've bought from this range, I not seen it before, but I'm definitely going to have a look at what other colours are on offer.

This one has definitely made it into my favourite silver polishes! Simply gorgeous! 


  1. thanx hon :D I'm definitely going to check out more from this range next time I pop to Superdrug :D

