Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

First of all thanks so much to loodieloodieloodie for giving me this awesome award :D Really means a lot that you like my blog :D
And now for the hard part, I'm usually terrible at filling in stuff like this, but here goes
Thanks also to: cre8tivektina and Karzu who also gave me this award :D thanx girlies :D

7 Things About me:
1. Although I've always loved polish, I only really became mega obsessed late 2009 when I was diagnosed with a horrid medical condition that left me bed bound for quite a while, and it was then that I found a lot of nail blogs that really kept me entertained on late nights when I couldn't sleep, it was during that time that I discovered Konading, (it doesnt really exist here in the UK, except for some imitation brands that never worked so well)
2. I am a self employed Personal Trainer, and I love all things fitness, especially MMA, another reason I was left with so much time while ill, as I really couldn't work much at all :( but thankfully now I'm back to normal and loving my job more than ever :D so doing my nails is my "girlie time" which is really nice when I have to spend most days in trainers hehe
3. I have an unhealthy obsession with The Phantom of The Opera
4. My Favourite Country is Italy, only been there three times so dying to go back :D
5. Jeff Buckley is my favourite musician of all time
6. My Favourite food in the world is Sushi and Escalope (though definitely not at the same time lol)
7. hmmm quite stumped for one more, one more polish related one: I recently purchased this set of drawers from Ikea, and it is where I store my polish :D

Blogs I would like to give this award to: (Sorry if you've already received it, but I'm relatively still new to blogging)

A Polish Problem
Let Them Have Polish
Ice Queens Nail Parlour
My Travel Diary
Starving Nail Addict
Nail Corner
Candy Coated Tips
All Things Nails
Nails Beautified
My Leetle Nails
Nail York City
Right On The Nail
Ditch Yhe Mittens
Konad Addict

These are in no particular order as they are all great blogs :D and I tried to select the newest ones possible :D Will try and contact all the bloggers ASAP :D Sorry if I've missed you, its really hard to narrow it down to 15 when there's so many awesome blogs out there :D


  1. Thank u VERY much^^ :33, I appreacite it :)

  2. Thank you very much :) I already received it but I editted my blog and also wrote your name in the list of people I got it from :) See the end of this blog

  3. Thanks again!^^ I hadn´t received it before! :D

  4. you guys are very welcome :D love your blogs!!!

