Saturday, 23 April 2011

Zoya Sunshine Week Part 4 - Zoya Kimmy

Zoya Kimmy is the next polish from the Sunshine Collection, the first red from the collection.

Zoya Kimmy is a gorgeous cocktail of bright red with orange undertones, and that gorgeous sunshine golden shimmer that all polishes from Sunshine have, it really gives them all a very unique and special edge! Opaque at 3 coats. Although I'm not an avid fan of orange based reds, the shimmer in this one makes it stand above the rest, and is a very wearable summer shade! 

Some of the photos tend to make Kimmy a little more orange than she is in real life, the non flash natural light photo above is a better indication of the red tone in this polish, the golden sparkle is definitely more apparent in real life with this polish.

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite from the Sunshine collection. Looks great!
