Tuesday, 12 April 2011

My First Franken Nightshade Jet

So I finally caved in and had a go at a spot of nail polish frankening (creating your own nail polish shade by mixing others), I've long been dismayed by my not so holographic My Private Jet by OPI (photos at the end), and I'd seen a few incredibly successful attempts on some nail polish boards where users had managed to create their own fabulous version of the polish, so when I noticed my 17 Nightshade (black creme) polish was just about half full I decided to have a crack at it by adding a little OPI DS Sapphire :) I'm absolutely ecstatic with how this one came out, prepare for photo overload!
Indoors Pics (Flash)
OPI Chip Skip
Base Coat: OPI Nail Envy 1 coat
Franken Nightshade Jet 2 coats
Top Coat: Seche Vite 

Sunshine Pics

this was created using around 5/6 ml of 17 Nightshade black creme polish, I initially added 10 drops of Seche Restore as this one had thickened up a bit, it's about 8 years old! I then added OPI DS Sapphire a little at a time constantly testing the shade after mixing, until I was happy with the effect, my bottle of Sapphire looks like its barely been touched so I doubt I used more than 2 maybe 2.5 ml max, and I'm absolutely ecstatic with how this polish came out!

Here's a picture of my not so impressive My Private Jet (the not so holo version), as a comparison:

I think I've got a bit of a frankening bug now, I've already made 2 others, though they're no way as near as impressive as this, but still quite exciting, will try post pics of them soon :D Anyway what do you think of Nightshade Jet, have you ever tried to make your own polish?


  1. Wow, I love this! Really cool! Reminds me of Color Club's Revvolution :) I haven't ever tried frankening before, I guess I'm too scared too mess up and waste my nailpolish for nothing haha! Post your other frankens, too!

  2. I like this! All those mini glitters...:D I tried one franken today, I did it with 3 different glitters, and a green wild&crazy base :) For my opinion it looked good, but I did it on a tiny tiny cup, so I don't have any left...Except on my 2 nails :'D Tomorrow btw we're having Earth day in our school, we were supposed to do something from recycled stuff... These frankens reminded me :D

  3. Love how it turned out. You did a splendid job!

  4. Very good! Now I want to do that :)

  5. Different and definitely beautiful.

  6. In your directions, you meant OPI My Private Jet, not DS Sapphire? I assume? :)

    Your franken is fabulous. Seriously. I am drooling, here. And I am impressed that you hit such a home run on your first go. :D

    It is official. I have to try this combo. I am going to have to pick up a bottle of not so fab MPJ and some more black jelly and go at it. *rubs hands together in anticipation of black holo goodness*

  7. thanx everyone :D I'm really glad you liked this franken, I really want to do some more :D
    Lois: I will definitely post the other frankens too :D (although they're not quite as great as this one)
    Ice Queen: Nope No My Private Jet was used at all in the franken, I just used 17 Nightshade (a very thick opaque in 1 coat black creme) and DS Sapphire (very light blue holo polish) the my private jet photo at the end is there to show my dismay at not owning the holo version of the polish, and why I wanted to try and make my own version :) so you wont need that at all to try and make this one :) just make sure you add very little DS Sapphire at a time :) hope that helps :D
