Tuesday, 8 February 2011

NOTD - Barry M Crackle Polish with China Glaze For Audrey

So while still awaiting the imminent arrival of my OPI Black Shatter Polish, I thought I'd play around with another colour combination with Barry M's Instant Nail Effects Crackle Polish :) This time I used a China Glaze For Audrey, which I recently got my hands on, and my how I love this colour :D

OPI Chip Skip
Base Coat: OPI Nail Envy 1 coat
China Glaze For Audrey 2 coats
Barry M Instant Nail Effects Crackle Polish 1 coat applied thickly quickly and not overlapping :)

Love how this one looks! And here is China Glaze For Audrey alone, such a stunning colour, I've actually created an "Audrey" inspired mani using this, will post some pics of that soon too :D

China Glaze For Audrey
China Glaze For Audrey - a gorgeous turquoise creme polish opaque in 2 coats and applies very evenly, it is the exact colour of Tiffany's & Co. and my next themed mani will prove that :D


  1. very nice, the audrey also for I have it and love it.
    I leave my blog in case you want to spend

  2. thnx hon :D will have a lookie at your blog :D:D and yeh For Audrey is such a wonderful colour :) so glad I managed to pick it up :D


  3. That For Audrey colour is pretty colour, it's kinda interesting.../good way interesting/
    I still love crackles!!!! I only own 2 crackles, both are IsaDora's :D

  4. I don't know if you've already talked about this before, but I'm curious: How did you get a hold of the Barry M crackle polish and how much is it? (The Katy Perry shatter polish is SOLD out in all of freaking Texas.)

  5. I got the Barry m crackle from boots in the UK for £3.99 I just checked Barry Ms website and it's the same price, also they do deliver internationally :) hope that helps :) oh and here is a link to their site
